#String Create
str1 = 'My Name is Aubdur Rob Anik'
print("1st String :: ", str1)
str2 = "My University Name is 'University of Asia Pacific'"
print("\n2nd String :: ", str2)
str3 = '''
My Roll Number is 18101073
My Contact Number is 01685946475
My Best Friend Name is Katrina Jade
print("\n3rd String :: ", str3)
#Specific Index Print
str1 = "Aubdur Rob Anik"
print("\nLast Index :: ", str1[-1])
print("Specific Index :: ", str1[4 : 12])
print ("Specific Index :: ", str1[3 : -2])
print("Sprcific Index :: ", str1[-4 : -1])
# Index Print
str = "Aubdur Rob Anik"
print("Indexs :: ", str[0 : 10 : 1])
str = "Bangladesh"
print("Indexs :: ", str[0 : 9 : 1])
print("Indexs :: ", str[0 : 9 : 2])
str = "Naughty America"
print("Indexs :: ", str[-7 : : 1])
print("Indexs :: ", str[ : -8 : -1])
print("Reverse String :: ", str[-1 : : -1])
# String Add
str = "Aubdur Rob "
str = str + "Anik"
print("String :: ", str)
str = "Aubdur" + " Rob " + "Anik"
print("Name :: ", str)
#Individual index print
str = "Pycharm" ## 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
## P y c h a r m
print("\nFirst Index :: ", str[0])
print("Last Index :: ", str[-1])
print("Middle Index :: ", str[3])
print("Middel Index :: ", str[-4])
#String Delete
str = "My Name is Anik"
del str
print("String is :: ", str)
output ::
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "I:/Python/PythonCode/Basic/Test.py", line 20, in <module>
NameError: name 'str1' is not defined
# Escape Sequencing
str1 = '''I'm a student of UAP.'''
print("String 1 : ", str1)
str2 = "I'm a \"Student\""
print("String 2 :: ", str2)
str3 = "Name : \\Aubdur \\Rob \\Anik"
str4 = "\69x\49y\00a\11b\22c\33d\44e"
print("String 4 :: ", str4)
# Using Raw String to
# Ignore Escape Sequences
str4 = r"\69x\49y\00a\11b\22c\33d\44e"
print("String 4 :: ", str4)
#Split String
str = 'Hi I am Here'
#update Running.................
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