Crazy Calendar Solution
Moving some coins to the cell right or beneath it is equivalent to moving some stones from a pile on this pillar of height h to a pillar of h-1.
F = First Player Move
S = Second Player Move
R = Row
C = Column
x = Row of a cell
y = Column of a cell
Case 1:
Case 2 :
Case 3 :
Case 4:
This is a example of Staircase Nim Game.
For a cell (x,y) we can think of this as a Stair. Also think that each cell coin as stone of a Stair.
Above 4 kind of case we say that if (R+C) is Even than we shall compute the xor-sum only cell whose (x+y) is Odd otherwise (R+C) is Odd than we shall compute the xor-sum only cell whose (x+y) is Even.
Coding Part :
#define ll long long int
using namespace std;
int main()
int t, k = 1;
cin >> t;
ll r, c;
cin >> r >> c;
ll a, xor_sum = 0, mod = (r+c)%2;
for(int i=1; i<=r; i++)
for(int j=1; j<=c; j++)
cin >> a;
if((i+j)%2 != mod)
xor_sum ^= a;
if(xor_sum > 0)
cout << "Case " << k++ << ": win" << "\n";
cout << "Case " << k++ << ": lose" << "\n";
return 0;
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